من التوراة (1) || From the Pentateuch (1)


Preferred Citation

Hananu, Malak, and ملك هنانو. “من التوراة (1) || From the Pentateuch (1).” المجمع العلمي العربي 39, no. 2 (1964): 313–34.

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The first of three articles on the Pentateuch in Arabic. In this article, the author lists the most known translators of the Pentateuch into Arabic, in addition to the Muslim and Christian authors who quote it, and its most famous printed editions. The author then describes the paleography and codicology of a parchment fragment, exhibiting parts of the Book of Exodus, that belonged to Qubbat al-Khazna, and edits its text, comparing it to several Arabic translations. The fragment is the same as the one found among the Violet's photographs, today preserved at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, cf. BBAW/GCS, Akz.-Nr. 481.26-27.

Full Citation Information


Title: من التوراة (1) || From the Pentateuch (1)

Author: Malak Hananu

Author: ملك هنانو

URI: https://biblia-arabica.com/bibl/89CXKMY8  Link to Biblia Arabica bibliography Bibliographic Record.


Title: المجمع العلمي العربي


Date of Publication: 1964

Pages: 313-334

Volume: 39


Subject Headings

Exodus  Old Testament  Christian  Jewish  Pentateuch  Greek  Hebrew  Samaritan  Syriac  Abū al-Fidāʾ  Al-Jaḥiz  Al-Masʿūdī  Al-Tabarī  Al-Yaʿqūbī  Historic Printings  Historic Printings: Al-Shidyak et al (1857)  Historic Printings: Biblia Sacra Arabica (1671)  Historic Printings: The Jesuit Bible (1876-1881)  Historic Printings: Van Dyck et al (1865)  Ibn Qaiyym al-Jawziyya  Ibn Qutayba  Ibn al-Nadīm  Ibn al-ʿIbrī  Ibn Ḥazm  Saʿīd ibn al-Baṭrīq  Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī  ʿAbd al-Masiḥ al-Kindī  ʿAlī ibn Rabban  Abū Saʿīd  Ahmad ibn ʿAbd Allāh  Dawud al-Qūmisī  Ibn al-Faḍl  Ibrahim al-Baghdādī  Saadiah Gaon  Wahbat Allāh Ṣarrūf  Yaḥyā ibn Zakariyyā  Ḥunayn ibn Isḥaq 

Cited Manuscripts

Damascus, Dar al-Watha'iq, 229/23 

About this Online Entry

Editorial Responsibility:

  • Ronny Vollandt, general editor, Biblia Arabica
  • Ronny Vollandt and Nathan P. Gibson, editors, Biblia Arabica
  • Vevian Zaki, entry contributor, “من التوراة (1) || From the Pentateuch (1)”
  • rvollandt, entry contributor, “من التوراة (1) || From the Pentateuch (1)”

Additional Credit:

  • Record added to Zotero by Vevian Zaki
  • Record edited in Zotero by rvollandt

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