Une feuille arabo-latine de l’épître aux Galates


Preferred Citation

Bruyne, Donatien de, and Eugène Tisserant. “Une feuille arabo-latine de l’épître aux Galates.” Revue Biblique 7 (1910): 321–43.

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On MS: Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Lat. 12900 (referred to as Sigüenze, Chapter of the Cathedral of Sigüenze, Ms. 150), which contains portions of the Epistle to the Galatians. The manuscript, reproduced in a plate preceding the article, is dated to around 900 CE on the basis of the Latin script. No Arabic text, but a literal French translation of Gal. 1:1-15 with commentary is found.

Full Citation Information


Title: Une feuille arabo-latine de l’épître aux Galates

Author: Donatien de Bruyne

Author: Eugène Tisserant

URI: https://biblia-arabica.com/bibl/I9VNX4XH  Link to Biblia Arabica bibliography Bibliographic Record.


Title: Revue Biblique


Date of Publication: 1910

Pages: 321-343

Volume: 7


Subject Headings

Galatians  New Testament  Christian  Pauline Epistles  Latin 

Cited Manuscripts

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Lat. 12900 (=Sigüenze, Chapter of the Cathedral of Sigüenze, Ms. 150) 

About this Online Entry

Editorial Responsibility:

  • Ronny Vollandt, general editor, Biblia Arabica
  • Ronny Vollandt and Nathan P. Gibson, editors, Biblia Arabica
  • Nathan P. Gibson, entry contributor, “Une feuille arabo-latine de l’épître aux Galates”
  • Vevian Zaki, entry contributor, “Une feuille arabo-latine de l’épître aux Galates”

Additional Credit:

  • Record added to Zotero by Nathan P. Gibson
  • Primary editing by Vevian Zaki

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